July 20, 2012

  • In Limbo

    So, my fiancee got mad at me and asked why I never remember things she tells me. I responded as straightforwardly, saying that I genuinely have a very poor memory for spoken conversations and that it's not in the least personal, just that I have difficulty remembering things if I haven't written them down myself, particularly when they're mentioned offhand without any notice drawn to them. I've tried to change that in the past -- I'm actually trained in a number of mnemonic techniques for memorizing things when I put a conscious effort into it -- but after 32 years of being like this, I don't know that there can be a change. After I withdrew from a conversation that was getting very rancorous, I got a message saying that she needs to rethink things.

    I hope that I don't lose her over something that I have no control over, particularly something I thought she was fully aware of. I guess I'll find out soon.